
The purpose of Becoming One Heart is to be able to share, from experience, the Love of God with you in a deeper more intimate way, in hopes that you will want to come to know Him more and that your life is forever changed by His Words. Even if it changes the heart of One, that One is everything to Jesus. Our hearts prayer is for you to have a Jeremiah 33:3 relationship with Jesus. And that you know and believe and live out Joshua 1:9.

All blogs, poems, and videos are inspired by the Words given by the leadership of the Holy Spirit from the Living Word of God. The Bible.

When I say from experience, I would like to share with you the very moment that Becoming One Heart with Jesus became EVERYTHING to me. The moment that He shifted my whole world with the sound of His voice and 14 life changing Words that shook me to my very core.

“You cannot become One heart with him until you become One heart with Me.”

There were a lot of little moments that led to this One and there have been a lot of little moments after this One. Thats why I say “Becoming” because as long as we have breath in our lungs, are on a beautiful journey of “becoming”.

Me and my husband have always, from the very beginning of our life together, been One.

One Heart. One Mind. One, in perfect unity just as the Bible says. One Flesh.

Leave thy mother and become one. Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31, Matthew 19:5

 What God has joined together let no man separate. Matthew 19:6, Mark 10:9

There wasn’t anything we couldn’t conquer together. We did life together and it was always me and him against the world.

Long story made really really short, I had found myself in the middle of a Jericho wall.

My heart was off limits. Yes, off limits to my amazing husband, and to everyone really.

But being off limits to my husband was not ok.

I built a wall around my heart and closed God inside too.

I wasn’t mean or ugly or anything like that, I was just distracted and distant.

This was a 3-year journey to realizing just how “closed off” I had become.

One morning, at church, in a crowded room, I was in the back corner, utterly alone…

I realized and admitted the truth to myself that I wasn’t being the wife, mother, nor did I even resemble the person God called me to be. In admitting this I started to call out to God.

“Lord help me. Help me be better. Help me be who you created me to be. Lord help me. Show me what to do. I just want to be One heart with my Husband again. Lord help me be One heart with him again.”

And that’s when my truth came….

That’s when, by the Power of His voice, though so quiet and intimate, that I heard God like never before.

“You cannot become One heart with him until you become One heart with Me.”

I froze. I feel to my knees. And I cried.

“Really God, I didn’t know I wasn’t One Heart with you.”

I was wrecked..

In that solitary moment.

God wrecked me.

During my whole journey.

I never left God.

I worshiped. I prayed. I studied. I taught. I was still doing everything. Nothing had changed.

I never even thought that I wasn’t One heart with Him.

He, Jesus, was my everything.

So I thought.

When He spoke this truth to me and I realized it.

Everything within me shifted!

My prayer changed.

My life CHANGED!

My journey in truly Becoming One Heart with Jesus began.

And in these very Words from the Lord, was also a beautiful promise of restoration for One Heart with my husband again too.

In becoming One Heart with Jesus, He would work everything else out as it should be.

Jeremiah 32:17 Nothing is to hard for Him. With His outstretched Hand, He protected me and guided me.

And I trusted Him. Wholeheartedly to lead and guide and protect me.

Jeremiah 32:36-44 was my promise. He promised me in His very Word.

“I will bring my people back. I will give them One Heart….

And He did just that.

He took me. He blessed me. He wrecked me. And He gave me.

It was in this place of brokenness (being wrecked) that He defined me like never before.

My love for Jesus magnified from this place like something I could have never imagined and still to this day He takes me deeper and deeper in Love with Him.

Jeremiah 33:3 tells us. “Call to me and I will answer you and I will tell you great and unsearchable things, remarkable secrets, mighty things you do not know.”

And this has become my greatest adventure with Jesus Christ. The “Becoming” One Heart.

And in that I get to Becoming One Heart with my husband, my family, my friends, co-workers every moment. It’s a beautiful journey. It really is.

Oh sweet friend, how I long for you to know Jesus this way and in your “becoming” you long to become One Heart with Him.

God so loves us. So much, that He gave us His only Son, that if we would believe in Him, we should not parish, but have everlasting Life. (John 3:16) Everlasting Life. Jesus came, for us. He died on the cross, for us. He conquered Hell, death, and the grave, for us. He rose on the third day and now sits at the right hand of God, praying and interceding for us. He sent His Spirit to us so that we would be able to overcome this World and share His perfect, without condition Love to others so that they may come to know Him too.

I pray for your “becoming One Heart” moment where God becomes so real to you and His Word comes so alive to you that nothing else matters.

When you abide in Him and Him in you, I promise you, everything changes.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and live righteously and He will give you everything you need. (Matthew 6:33)

Situations in your life, need Jesus. Family in your life, need Jesus. Friends, loved ones, coworkers, even strangers that you haven’t met, need Jesus. Our schools, need Jesus. Our world, our nations, need Jesus.

And it all starts with you, and your Heart.

As you read, listen, and see, ask God to open your heart, your ears, and your eyes so that you can see Him, hear Him, and become to know Him more as you journey thought “Becoming One Heart” with Him.

I would rather be broken in a million pieces at the feet of Jesus than be whole without Him. And here is the beautiful thing about Jesus, He doesn’t leave you in the broken million pieces. If you let Him, He picks you up and you become One with Him.

God bless you, keep you, and may His Love forever embrace you.



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