
An ember blown in the right direction will start a forest fire.
“A fire, willing to be blown by the very breath of God, in a direction full of purpose and wander so that He May ignite a Love so full of Passion, it can’t be contained.”
Are you willing to go?
God sent me to this scripture…
I’m writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you when I laid my hands upon you. For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:6-7
Stunned, they looked at each other and said, “Why didn’t we recognize it was him? Didn’t our hearts burn with the flames of holy passion while we walked beside him? He unveiled for us such profound revelation from the Scriptures!”
Luke 24:32
It’s His very Presence that consumes us… and changes us… and He becomes our way of life.