A Soldiers Work is never done.

“All gave some.
Some gave all. “

No greater love than He that would lay down his life for His friends. John 15:13

Every year my heart prays over these words. For all the family’s, for all the soldiers and service men and women.
I always woke up thanking derek Memorial Day morning and of corse he would remind me that this day wasn’t for him, and I get it but I always want to honor every soldier and he knew that.

This year as we approach this weekend and what we as an ENTIRE FREE NATION celebrate and remember, for a moment, we ALL stop and remember and are pointed to this very scripture.

☀️John 15:13☀️

Simply Jesus.

Ahh the heart of a “God Created” Soldier (and all service men and woman called) is nothing but Jesus Spirit within them.

Heavens Armies on Earth and in Heaven.

Heavens Armies and Earthly Vessels.

🇺🇸 A Soldiers Work is never done.

🇺🇸 A Fallen Hero is never forever fallen.

🇺🇸 Today and everyday, we celebrate them.

As the weekend has approached and we are sitting at Jesus feet, in the middle of a beautiful Journey none of us could ever see coming but know in the back of our minds, it’s a possibility because of who God created us to be.
Soldiers and families and friends of Soldiers.
I couldn’t imagine walking through the “All” that some gave without God and Jesus and my relationship with Them and the Holy Spirit. Oh how He is such a Comforter.

So today and everyday I pray as God shows me Heavens kingdom and His Purpose, I’ll be brave to share what He wants me to share.

Psalms 91:11-12
God commands His Angel Armies. All throughout scripture… God commands them… ahhh God of Heavens Armies… How amazing are you Lord…

💙 He commands them….
💙 A true soldier knows true leadership.
💙 They are created to move at His command, His order ~ because it’s Him and His authority, they were created for.

🇺🇸 ~ Soldiers ~ 🇺🇸

Loyal, Fulfill Duty, Respect, Honor, Selfless Service, Integrity, Valor, Courage, Bravery, Bold, Strong, Focused.
Committed to the Purpose ~ the Cause.

🪽To lay down their life..🪽

When God calls their name, they move at His Command.

Heaven and Earth ~ they move at His Command.

💜 Willingly Wholeheartedly surrendered to God.

Do any of these Characteristics sound familiar?

They sound like Jesus very heart.

They sound like God created life.

(And this isn’t even all of the characteristics of Jesus or a Soldier.)

Right there in the middle of a Soldier created by God ~ the heart of our Savior.

So today, and everyday. God thank you.
For loving us so much that all of creation was created to remind us of your love.
As my heart is everywhere this weekend as others is too, God we seek you in the remembering.
We honor your purpose.
All to show even One, who you are and how much you love them and want them.
We honor your sacrifice.
We honor their sacrifice.
In our remembering we never ever want to forget the power of your Purpose behind every sacrifice.
Come and comfort those today and give them a Hope and Purpose and a Peace that only you can give.
Show them, this world is temporary, but yours, your Kingdom is eternal.
Heaven on Earth today and everyday until you send Jesus and His Heavens Armies back to get your babies, your remnant.
God, come help us in this beautiful journey of Life you have given us and do what only you can do.
Through your sacrifice and theirs, let eyes be opened, ears be opened, and hearts be opened and turned to you and back to you to receive you and your heart.
We love you Lord.


This weekend and every day, take a moment to remember His sacrifice and theirs.

To remember that laid down life and invite Him in so that we can walk out that same “laid down life”
As we can in this world to show even just One, Gods amazing Love.

How important are you, how amazingly Loved are you that He, Jesus, would come, and lay down His life for yours?

How loved are you that a Soldiers does the same because of Who He or She was created to be?

How Loved are you that God is calling you to let Him love you and create in you a purpose that shows that same Love to others?

Until…. Jesus comes back, A Soldiers work is never done.

💙🦋☀️As for me and my soldier and my house, as One Heart, as One Purpose, we will serve the Lord. ☀️🪽💜

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