Testimony podcast “women of fortitude”
Testimony podcast “women of fortitude” Read More »
Testimony podcast “women of fortitude” Read More »
Today was a really great day. And it’s okay that I can say that. Why was it a great day you ask? Because yesterday was a hard day… And joy comes in the morning. Ahhhh His Joy. His strength. The hard days give me such Hope and Love. And I embrace my need for my
Heaven is ALL around us. Read More »
Take the pictures.Even if they are a little modified. That handsome Hero of mine never ever bailed on a photo shoot.And He didn’t start today :):) Guys. Take the pictures.Girls. You look beautiful. Just smile. Be happy. Capture the moment then continue to live it. With no regrets.Make the time.Take the trip.Be present.Forgive period. I
I know I have shared it 100 times but when my heart is feeling some type of way. It starts singing this song. May I love your presence. More than any gift you’ve giving me. I come alive loving you. Two lyrics that my heart prays tonight as I whisper… I’m scared. Have you ever
I come alive loving you. Read More »
Woke up dreaming last night.From heavens point of view.There is no perspective like it at all.The peace.The understanding.The Hope.The Life.The Love.That comes from heavens view can’t even compare to what this world attempts to offer us. I woke up with a deeper understanding of the Lord calling our name. The way He calls our name,
I satisfy your thirst. Read More »
A song on repeat this morning. Swaying and dancing.Singing to the beat of this 3 in 1 heart this morning. Moments like this,I live for.I breathe for.I hope for. Sometimes they take a week to get here.Sometimes they flood in like that flowing river of Life. I press in, UNTIL they come. Praising Him the
Can I have this dance? Read More »
I heard this quote Tuesday and it’s been on my heart ever since. I know if any of you are like me, We tend to think sometimes the small steps we take don’t really matter. We get weak when we know we are supposed to be strong. We overthink when we know we are supposed
Tonight. As I begin to put all my thoughts and Words the Lord has given me for a Word, I get the honor to share Wednesday night with a very special group of young people, on paper. I write the date. Tears.From out of nowhere.No warning.No time to even attempt to hold them back. The
Baby, I see you in them. 💙 The last two days have been hard days. And between me and the kids, we are okay with hard days.I tell them, just evidence of great Love. Last night I seen a piece of Derek come out in Chandler. It was so sweet. I think I even got
Baby, I see you in them. Read More »
Hard is.. Walking to your car for the last weeks after work, with phone in hand to call the one person that you have called just about every end of the work day for 18 years, to call the one person that can’t answer and when you realize it, you barely make it to the