Stay alert.
Be aware.
“You are not exempt from attempts.”
Read that again.
“You are not exempt from attempts.”
Be aware of your surroundings.
The Bible says.
1st Peter 5:8 to be exact.
Be of sober mind. Stay alert.
Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
“You are not exempt from the attempt”
I am not exempt from the attempt of the enemy seeking to devour me.
You are not exempt from the enemy seeking to devour you.
I know without a doubt Our Father protects and I believe in His Divine Protection. And Tonight I’m standing in awe of being eye witness to His Angels encamped around us.
Every time I see one of these post, I read it to or share it with my kids and strongly encourage them to be so aware of their surroundings. Not live in fear but be aware. And I’m very mindful of it myself.
But tonight.
Tonight, I share a personal encounter… in hopes you will share with your kids and family.
At Fulton Walmart.
I wasn’t aware. I was happy go lucky. My usual self but lacking awareness. But God already knew that. And tonight, 2 amazing angels watched the whole time and met me as I was coming out the door. Little did I know, completely oblivious that I was being watched and followed, or that a stranger had followed me the whole time and followed me out the door watching my every move.
Until Gods angel stepped up and stepped in.
Walking me so boldly and might I add walking me in full blow protection mode to my car.
Fully alert and aware.
He stayed with me til I got my groceries in my car and loaded up.
I teared up as I asked if I could give him a hug.
I couldn’t tell you if the “worst that could go through my mind or yours” would have happened. I couldn’t tell you if he was an innocent person walking around or not.
But what I can tell you is.
Be aware.
Don’t think you are exempt from the attempt.
And on the flip side of that.
Help be aware for others too.
Be mindful.
I was praying, praising, and just hallelujah, thanking God, I found myself asking God.
What do I do in this instance when I see someone in the middle of the store following me around and just being weird. What do I tell my daughter or my son or my youth to do?
I tell them to be aware. But then what?
And He showed me.
Acknowledge them.
Let them know you see them.
U don’t got to speak or have a conversation but you have made it know your aware they are there and there is no sneaking up on you at that point.
Then find someone in the store.
A family shopping.
A worker.
And let them know and they will get you safely to your car.
And all you Protectors out there sent by God, just like my dear friends tonight.
Keep being you.
Keep your eyes aware for those of us that are just a little bit distracted, focused, bubbly, maybe even a little over the top extra friendly and vulnerable, whatever the case we may be unaware, you are God sent!
And I’m forever grateful.
I will have to say.
I met the most amazing lady tonight in the check out and she absolutely had the most beautiful smile and she sweetest name too. Although I was unaware, she had my full attention and I was one of the sweetest conversations.
Full of chocolate candy bars and smiles too.
I thank God tonight for His Divine Protection and those 2 amazing angels encamped around me.
Psalms 3:3
Psalms 34:7
Zechariah 2:1-9
Luke 21:18
Is a few Words God reminded me of tonight to pray over our families along with that sober, alert, aware, sounds mind.
I love y’all.
Stay safe.
Stay aware. 💜