Can I have this dance?

A song on repeat this morning.

Swaying and dancing.
Singing to the beat of this 3 in 1 heart this morning.

Moments like this,
I live for.
I breathe for.
I hope for.

Sometimes they take a week to get here.
Sometimes they flood in like that flowing river of Life.

I press in, UNTIL they come. Praising Him the same.

Feeling Heaven so strongly.

Even if.
Even when.
Even now.

As I dance and sing with my Sweet Savior and Husband this morning….

2 lines stand out to me for you too.

“Let’s put love back in its place.”

I’ll fight for you.
I’ll fight for us.
I’ll fight to never leave.”

Do you know God is fighting for you this morning?
He has done conquer death, hell, and the grave for you.
And yet, He is still fighting for you.

Do you know that Jesus, even now, in this very moment, is at the right hand of God looking to Him interceding on your behalf.

Speaking your very name to His Father.

Lord she’s mine.
Lord he’s mine.
They will open their eyes.
They will open their ears. They will open their hearts.
See them.
Protect them.
Rescue them.
They know not what they do.

I can just see Him and hear Him now.

When you realize that the Savior of all this world.
The One that came because He loves you so much, the One that was sent because God loves you so much, is speaking your very name in the throne room, everything changes.

How important are you that our King of King and Lord of Lords speaks your name to the Father, to the Creator of Heaven and Earth and everything that has ever been created….

You are so so loved my friend.
I pray you come to know that and that you Let God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, put love back in its place in your heart.
He’s fighting for you.
Longing for your surrender to Him.

He just wants you.
He wants to be your dance partner throughout this beautiful journey we call Life and hereafter too.

Won’t you accept His hand as He leans into you and let Him lead you.

He’s asking for this dance. For all of eternity.

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