So for the past couple mornings I have been trying to “get to” work earlier so I could make coffee.
This morning as I was slowing down to pour the water and spoon out the coffee, I quietly prayed and as I began to listen. My heart leaned into Jesus even more.
I heard Him whispering.
Don’t you love “getting to” do this?
And as we began to converse back and forth and have a little quiet time together. We both reflected on the things we “get to” do together.
We get to wake up together.
We get to come to work together.
We get to serve together.
We get to show His love together.
We get to wake up today ready to live and thrive in this day together.
We get to do all these amazing things in live together.
And it’s our choice how we see and view the “get to”
The moment it becomes a “have to”
We need to check our heart.
We were created to live a life of “get to” and that all starts with you.
Heart posture
It all starts with you and Jesus.
As we prayed and talked together, He took me to not only one of my favorite moments in history, but one of His favorite moments too.
John 13.
”So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him.“
John 13:4-5 NLT
Jesus heart was always always postured in “I get to do this”
Not only did He sacrifice for us, He surrendered to the cause for us.
And He loved that He “gets to”
Today, I pray that you might look at your day with a new perspective and a new upright heart and that God shows you how He sees through your eyes.
I pray you “get to” love this day He’s given you.
So so true!!! Yessss! ❤️