Heaven is ALL around us.

Today was a really great day.

And it’s okay that I can say that.

Why was it a great day you ask?

Because yesterday was a hard day…

And joy comes in the morning.

Ahhhh His Joy. His strength. The hard days give me such Hope and Love.

And I embrace my need for my BrideGroom!

If we didn’t have hard days, why would we need Him, or each other?

So yesterday, I shared in the middle of my hard vulnerable moment, with my amazing momma n love Mary Somers Savage (today is her birthday by the way. Yall give her a shout out. Happy happy birthday beautiful)


Yesterday was the kind of beautiful day, my smoking hot sexy husband would have picked me up for an extra long lunch for a nice ride on the motorcycle. (Sometimes you gotta make the time where you can. :))

After sharing this liquid filled eyes moment with her, it wouldn’t no time and she was texting me.

Be ready tomorrow and Roy is picking you up on the motorcycle. I said no no he didn’t have to do that but then was like. I’ll be ready.

All day waiting on 5pm.
(We may have snuck out 10 minutes early) but this heart was so excited all day.
Eager and hopeful.
Fearful and excited.
Happy tears and a Heaven met longing.

Jesus and my baby was in every moment.
From the way the wind hit my skin to hot the sun shines to how we turned in a curve to how the trees swayed to every single cloud to how I raised my arms to heaven for a hug.

Just Jesus.
Yall… Heaven is ALL around us.
We just have to seek and see.
Ask and receive.
Faith becoming sight.
Ahhhhh God so quick to answer a hearts desire.

Even if.
Even when.
Even now.

All because I shared my hard moment instead of holding it in.

People are amazing.
And God will use His amazing people to bring about His tangible Presence.

I’m so grateful today, for the Love that pours out of those around me.

I see Jesus in you.

God said He will never leave us. Or forsake us. And He will be with us.
Wherever we go!

He also says…..

”By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.“
‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

He gives us everything we need. Everything… to make it and live this life he’s called us too.

Ps… just to give you one way God shows me He sees me and hears me and that my baby is sooo present too….

Never ending Story. One of mine and Derek’s favorite childhood movies along with Beaches that we always talked about together and reminisced about.

Can you see it?

Eyes to see.
Ears to hear.
And hearts opened to receive.


2 thoughts on “Heaven is ALL around us.”

  1. My mom’s encouragement to me in hard times was “storms never last forever!!! The sun will shine again…,but you will never appreciate the sun if the storms did not come too”… glad I found your blog!!! It fills my spirit!!!!!

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