Repost from 2018. Gods timing is perfect.
“When the war inside her rages….she remembers her crown”
Romans 7:21-25
I seen a quote the other day that stood out to me.
“Everything looks better from the inside of a motorcycle helmet.”
This morning, honestly a war inside me was raging, and all I could think about was this quote and riding..
Then I ask myself why?
And I heard God softly answer.
One View- Freedom.
The wind carrying you and sun kissing your skin.
One Way- with only a glimpse behind and to the sides
One Focus- the beauty of what’s visible
One Mind- clarity
Peace.. Rest.. Calm.. No thoughts of the outside world.
Sound familiar?
The view from a motorcycle helmet keeps everything out except “the way”
Sound familiar at all?
Sure made me think of the Way Maker! Oh how our eyes should always be on Him!
Even at night, the beams shining.. where are you looking? Into the light for it to help guide you.
If He’s not in your vision…. a storm raging will sink you and drown you out til death.
But when your eyes are fixed on Him…. the storm calms and you rise up and breathe life..
I did say “really God? Using a helmet to calm the storm within me… to place YOU in my view…”
A simple ride.. your hearts guide.
A spiritual battle.. Victory.. Jesus PERIOD.
What’s in your view?!
Psalm 16:8
Hebrews 12:2
He is the Way Maker. Keep Him in your view.
You wear your crown so well! God bless you and your family!