Hard is..
Walking to your car for the last weeks after work, with phone in hand to call the one person that you have called just about every end of the work day for 18 years, to call the one person that can’t answer and when you realize it, you barely make it to the door to open it and think nothing is as it was.
So I pray.
I pray.
I pray.
I pray.
I pray.
I pray.
And I pray.
And I pray.
And I pray some more.
I pray until I can breathe.
I pray until I can feel Him.
I pray until my tears stop.
I pray until my heart has peace.
I pray until I’m comforted.
I pray until God sends Heaven on Earth.
I pray until my hearts desire is met by the only One that can.
And then I pray some more.
A constant state of prayer.
A constant state of His Presence.
A constant state of being under His Wing, safe.
Is all I could even want or need.
We are not created to stay in a place of “was.”
Gosh as I type it I realize. Ain’t that the place where the darkness can creep in.
In the place of the “was” we can so easily get caught up in lack if we are not careful to capture our thoughts.
His Word says press forward.
On to the calling and run the race set before you. He says in Him I lack nothing. You lack nothing.
Because what “is.”
What is..
not what was…
(The enemy wants us to believe nothing is as it was but it’s a lie he is trying to get you to focus on to get your eyes off Jesus)
but what IS to come is worth it all.
Even if.
Even when.
And yes.
Even now.
”Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.“
Hebrews 11:1 NLT
I love how this says.
Faith shows the reality of what we Hope for.
My reality is Heavenly.
He is our Hope. And that should be our reality as we learn to walk each day. Pressing forward.
”Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.“
Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT
💜👣 👣 👣 💙
Never along.
For all eternity, becoming One heart.
Today I had this real moment. And the rawness’s of it, left me setting in my car for what seemed like hours…
But God.
Yall. He is always always there.
Today I have had Psalms 121 sent to me 3 times.
I look up to the mountains.
It’s where my help comes from.
Help is here, He’s just wanting for us to embrace Him and walk in Him and let Him lead us and guide us in this beautiful journey called Life.
There is no end.
His promise for His children.
Is everlasting Life. – John 3:16
I love you sweet sweet friends.
I’m not sure what your going through but I pray with all my heart that you know, you are not alone.
We are never alone 🙏 One Heart 💙💔