Woke up dreaming last night.
From heavens point of view.
There is no perspective like it at all.
The peace.
The understanding.
The Hope.
The Life.
The Love.
That comes from heavens view can’t even compare to what this world attempts to offer us.
I woke up with a deeper understanding of the Lord calling our name.
The way He calls our name, purpose is different behind it.
For example.
Derek may whisper Brandi.
My kids may softly speak momma.
My boss may, with intentions, say Brandi come here.
My best friend may kindly speak Brandi.
Same name, different purpose behind the calling.
Isaiah 43.
I call you by name…
Hes called me by name, and pulled me out of the pits of hell.
He’s called my name and set me on solid ground.
He’s called my name to embrace me.
He’s called my name to comfort me.
He’s called my name to establish me.
He’s called my name to promote me.
He’s called my name to poise me and upright me.
He’s called my name to position me.
He’s called my name….
No matter the reason.
Here’s the key.
Here’s everything.
I answer….
As I woke up this morning with a beautiful heavenly understanding, and I lean out my window into the sun shining for that warmth touch this morning, I hear the words.
“I satisfy your thirst.”
I instantly thank Him for sending water to thirsty land. Streams to dry desserts.
Seek. And you will find.
Ask. And you will receive.
Persevere. And you will be fortified.
Why. Because He calls your name and you are His.
He’s calling you today sweet friend.
I tell you all the time, I don’t know what your going through. I don’t know what chapter you are on in your life but I know that I know that I know. And I want you to know that you know that you know.
You are not alone.
And God, the one that created you and knit you together, every little intricate detail of who you are, wants your attention.
He wants your heart.
Even if.
Even when.
Even now.
Right Here.
He is calling to you.
Will you answer?

So beautiful💜