I heard this quote Tuesday and it’s been on my heart ever since.
I know if any of you are like me, We tend to think sometimes the small steps we take don’t really matter.
We get weak when we know we are supposed to be strong.
We overthink when we know we are supposed to have a sound mind.
We have tears where there is supposed to be joy.
We have heart break where there is supposed to be wholeness.
We fall down when we think we are supposed to be the one holding everyone up.
When truthfully. All of these things and so much more, are ok. All of these things can bring growth. All of these things can bring healing. All of these things can still bring Joy. All of these things still more than we realize, bring us to the very presence of God. Where our true joy is found.
When we embrace the next step.… it’s the only one that really matters.
Have this moment.
Process it.
Feel it.
Get help in it.
Do whatever it is to handle it.
But whatever you do.
Don’t bury it and don’t,
Don’t just do nothing.
Take the next step.
It’s the only one that matters.
And in taking that next step.
don’t be afraid to ask someone to come hold your hand and take it with you.
Don’t be afraid to go get a hug and feel the true tangible touch of God through His children. Don’t be afraid to show your weakness. In showing our weakness. Ahhhh His strength is seen.
Next… is scary.
Next… is unknown.
Next… may be even more painful.
Next… may even be the most uncomfortable spot.
Next… may be closure.
Next… may be purified.
Next… is so so many things.
Next… is complete Trust and surrender if you chose to take that next step with Him.
It’s in the next that God can make all things Good for those that Love Him.
Psalms 33:18 TPT
post from 4/2023.. God knows what we need when we need it.